Date of Award

May 2015

Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science



First Advisor

Jun Zhang

Committee Members

Yi Hu, Gervini Daniel, Jun Zhang


Centrality Measures, Key Groups, Key Players, Network Analysis, Soccer Team


In this thesis, I introduce that passing performance is crucial skill in the soccer game. I provide network centrality approaches to discover key players and key groups in a soccer team. The Utility Model of game theory evaluates each soccer player’s contribution to his team outcome. The approach of finding key players is to implement soccer passing network data with the combination of Nash Equilibrium with Bonacich Centrality Measure. We identify the key player by finding the top individual Inter-Centrality Measure, and also identify the key group of players that match better together in the game. The results verification will use 2013 market values, media attention, and team unbeaten probability by his appearance/absence.
