Publication Year

Fall 1975





Document Type



This study was designed to improve our understanding of the dynamics of the upland forest and of the productivity of Wisconsin forest communities. Data were collected to quantify the biological cycling of nutrients, nutrient availability and water availability, the principal factors supporting production of organic matter in forest ecosystems (Duvineaud and Denaeyer-De Smet, 1970). Using the data from this study we can then examine the stability of the upland deciduous forest and its response to the environment, for example recovery from a catastrophic event such as the March ice storm. Once this ecosystem's structure and functioning are known, we can compare it to other ecosystems on the basis of production efficiency and potential. Knowledge of mineral cycling and productivity should help land planners to more efficiently manage the forest resource. This study extends work done previously on primary production in Wisconsin and complements nutrient flux studies at Oak Ridge National Laboratory.
