
The Celts in the Iberian Peninsula


This special volume of e-Keltoi will present more than twenty articles by scholars who are recognized as experts in their respective disciplines on the archaeology, folklore, language, religion, music and culture of the Celts in the Iberian Peninsula. Much of this research is recent or on going and most of it has not previously been published in English. Many of the articles will be accompanied by numerous illustrations of the sites, artifacts, folk festivals and landscapes of one of the most intriguing areas of the Celtic world. Articles will appear on-line in the order in which they complete the review and editing process, so check the site frequently.



Iron Age Archaeology of the Northwest Iberian Peninsula
César Parcero Oubiña, Padre Sarmiento Institute of Galician Studies, Santiago de Compostela
Isabel Cobas Fernandez, Heritage Office of New South Wales, Australia


War and Society in the Celtiberian World
Martín Almagro-Gorbea, Universidad Complutense


The Celts in Iberia: An Overview
Alberto J. Lorrio, Universidad de Alicante
Gonzalo Ruiz Zapatero, Universidad Complutense de Madrid


Oppida and Celtic society in western Spain
Jesús R. Álvarez-Sanchís, Departamento de Prehistoria, Universidad Compultense de Madrid


Celtiberian Ideologies and Religion
Gabriel Sopeña, University of Zaragoza


Celtiberians: Problems and Debates
Francisco Burillo Mozota, Centro de Estudios Celtibéricos de Segeda, Seminario de Arqueología y Etnología Turolense, Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales, Teruel


The Celts of the Southwestern Iberian Peninsula
Luis Berrocal-Rangel, Departamento de Prehistoria y Arqueología, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid


Celtic Elements in Northwestern Spain in Pre-Roman times
Marco V. Garcia Quintela, Laboratorio de Patrimonio, Paleoambiente y Paisaje, Instituto de Investigacións Tecnolóxicas, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, associated unit of the Instituto de Estudios Gallegos Padre Sarmiento, Centro Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Xunta de Galicia


The Celts in Portugal
Teresa Júdice Gamito, University of Algarve


Celtic Gods of the Iberian Peninsula
Juan Carlos Olivares Pedreño, University of Alicante


-Briga Toponyms in the Iberian Peninsula
Juan Luis García Alonso, University of Salamanca


The Language(s) of the Callaeci
Eugenio R. Luján Martinez, Dept. Filología Griega y Lingüística Indoeuropea, Universidad Complutense de Madrid


Carlos Jordán Cólera, University of Zaragoza, Spain


The Celtic Legacy of the Gaita in Galician Music
Xosé Lois Foxo, Director, Real Banda-Escuela de Ourense


A Round Iron Age: The Circular House in the Hillforts of the Northwestern Iberian Peninsula
Xurxo M. Ayán Vila, Padre Sarmiento Institute on Galician Studies, High Council of Scientific Research, Spain


Celtic Legacy in Galicia
Manuel Alberro, University of Uppsala