Personalizing Medicine through Clinical Avatars

Mentor 1

Peter Tonellato


Union Wisconsin Room

Start Date

29-4-2016 1:30 PM

End Date

29-4-2016 3:30 PM


Approximately one in eight women will develop breast cancer in their lifetime, according to the American Cancer Society. To increase the accessibility for accurate risk projections, our team developed algorithms to model breast cancer risk calculation tools detailed in the papers: CAREGail, Gail08, Gail89, Rockhill01, RosnerColditz96, and Tice08. We developed clinical avatars to simulate diverse populations. Testing the accuracy of our algorithms is a three-step process. Step one, testing the clinical avatars through the original risk calculation tools. Step two, testing the clinical avatars through our algorithms. Step three, comparing the results to ensure that algorithms are precise. By showing that our algorithms are precise and accurately model the risk calculation tools detailed in the papers, we can begin to compile our algorithms together. Developing a single tool for physicians to use, allowing personalized medicine.

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Apr 29th, 1:30 PM Apr 29th, 3:30 PM

Personalizing Medicine through Clinical Avatars

Union Wisconsin Room

Approximately one in eight women will develop breast cancer in their lifetime, according to the American Cancer Society. To increase the accessibility for accurate risk projections, our team developed algorithms to model breast cancer risk calculation tools detailed in the papers: CAREGail, Gail08, Gail89, Rockhill01, RosnerColditz96, and Tice08. We developed clinical avatars to simulate diverse populations. Testing the accuracy of our algorithms is a three-step process. Step one, testing the clinical avatars through the original risk calculation tools. Step two, testing the clinical avatars through our algorithms. Step three, comparing the results to ensure that algorithms are precise. By showing that our algorithms are precise and accurately model the risk calculation tools detailed in the papers, we can begin to compile our algorithms together. Developing a single tool for physicians to use, allowing personalized medicine.