Effect of Light Pollution on Behavior of Gray Tree Frogs
Mentor 1
Gerlinde Hoebel
Union Wisconsin Room
Start Date
28-4-2017 1:30 PM
End Date
28-4-2017 4:00 PM
The construction of roads, buldings, andstadiums has caused an unprecedentedproblem in a field of conservation -light pollution. Currently, the effectsof lightpollution on many animals are largelyunknown.We set out to determinewhether static (non-moving sources) lightpollution was a concern with regards to frogbehavior. The resulst were astounding-light pollution produced no effect on mate choice or behaviour.
Effect of Light Pollution on Behavior of Gray Tree Frogs
Union Wisconsin Room
The construction of roads, buldings, andstadiums has caused an unprecedentedproblem in a field of conservation -light pollution. Currently, the effectsof lightpollution on many animals are largelyunknown.We set out to determinewhether static (non-moving sources) lightpollution was a concern with regards to frogbehavior. The resulst were astounding-light pollution produced no effect on mate choice or behaviour.