Cynthia Hudson-Vitale
Start Date
15-10-2015 2:45 PM
End Date
15-10-2015 4:15 PM
This discussion session covered the many ways that data librarians consult on data. Participants broke out by consultation topic and discussed initiating, consulting workflows, and follow-ups for each consultation type. This file provides an outline of the overall session.
Rights Note
Content from MDLS was collected with the express understanding that it would be shared out with the larger data librarian community. However, as most of the documents were crowdsourced from a number of participants, we cannot assign clear reuse rights. We instead encourage others to build off of ideas within the documents to improve their own services and attribute whenever possible.
Microsoft Word version
Included in
Outline of Consultation Session
This discussion session covered the many ways that data librarians consult on data. Participants broke out by consultation topic and discussed initiating, consulting workflows, and follow-ups for each consultation type. This file provides an outline of the overall session.