Date of Award
December 2019
Degree Type
Degree Name
Master of Science
Computer Science
First Advisor
Tian Zhao
Committee Members
John Boyland, Ethan Munson
architecture, cloud, IoT
The Internet of Things (IoT) and cloud computing have grown in popularity over the past decade as the internet becomes faster and more ubiquitous. Cloud platforms are well suited to handle IoT systems as they are accessible and resilient, and they provide a scalable solution to store and analyze large amounts of IoT data. IoT applications are complex software systems and software developers need to have a thorough understanding of the capabilities, limitations, architecture, and design patterns of cloud platforms and cloud-based IoT tools to build an efficient, maintainable, and customizable IoT application. As the IoT landscape is constantly changing, research into cloud-based IoT platforms is either lacking or out of date. The goal of this thesis is to describe the basic components and requirements for a cloud-based IoT platform, to provide useful insights and experiences in implementing a cloud-based IoT solution using Microsoft Azure, and to discuss some of the shortcomings when combining IoT with a cloud platform.
Recommended Citation
ROEHL, NATHAN, "Cloud Based IoT Architecture" (2019). Theses and Dissertations. 2333.