Milwaukee's Electric Scooter Program : A Review and Analysis of a Municipal Pilot Study of a Shared Micromobility Program

Lexie Nehmer, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee


Cities are implementing shared micromobility to provide on-demand transportation options. Shared micromobility services have gained popularity in recent yeas as an efficient and sustainable mode of transportation in urban areas such as Milwaukee. Privately-owned modes, such as electric scooters, are being integrated into urban planning and local policies as a convenient option for short-distance travel. The introduction of technology supported, shared micromobility services has improved transport equity by filling in network gaps. Cities look at how e-scooters conveniently fit into a multimodal transportation plan and how they serve a positive public purpose without negatively impacting the public right of way. This paper reviews how cities can safely implement new transport mobility options with the introduction of electric scooters. With the growing need for sustainable, accessible, and efficient transportation options, electric scooters have emerged as an option. This paper examines the various aspects of electric scooter pilot studies implemented in different cities across the United States: Milwaukee, Portland, Seattle, and Baltimore. To ensure the successful integration of electric scooters into existing transportation systems, conducting temporary pilot studies and having proper planning is essential. This paper reviews the many challenges that city officials faced during implementation, exploring the safety concerns, benefits, strategies and how cities created a harmonious framework of the terms and conditions to benefit the residents and the environment.