Date of Award

May 2017

Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science



First Advisor

Cuzner M. Robert

Committee Members

Cuzner Robert, Adel Nasiri, Qiang Fu


Current Source Rectifier, DC Microgrid, Electromagnetic Compatibility, Silicon Carbide, Voltage Source Rectifier


The utilization of the DC low voltage distribution opens new possibilities for network development. Community DC microgrid is considered as an efficient solution for providing clean energy for residential areas. The connection of the DC microgrid to the AC utility grid would need a power electronic based rectifier. Voltage Source Rectifier (VSR) and Current Source Rectifier (CSR) are considered as the two options for such application. This study compares the two topologies based on their power density and efficiency. Silicon Carbide (SiC) switches are used for designing the rectifiers to get better power density and efficiency. The proximity of the rectifier to the residential area requires electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) of the rectifier with established standards such as IEC 61000-3-4 and FCC B. This analysis shows that CSR has higher efficiency and higher power density compared to VSR.
