Date of Award

August 2018

Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy


Biomedical and Health Informatics

First Advisor

Mukul Goyal

Committee Members

Susan W McRoy, Ethan V Munson, Arsenio Pacheco, Robert Blank


Blood Glucose Level, Diabetes, Endocrinology, Glucose Metabolism, Glycemic Index, Simulation


This dissertation describes CarbMetSim (Carbohydrate Metabolism Simulator), a discrete-event simulator that tracks the blood glucose level of a person in response to a timed sequence of diet and exercise activities. CarbMetSim implements broader aspects of carbohydrate metabolism in human beings with the objective of capturing the average impact of various diet/exercise activities on the blood glucose level. Key organs (stomach, intestine, portal vein, liver, kidney, muscles, adipose tissue, brain and heart) are implemented to the extent necessary to capture their impact on the production and consumption of glucose. Key metabolic pathways (glucose oxidation, glycolysis and gluconeogenesis) are accounted for by using the published values of the average flux along these pathways in the operation of different organs. CarbMetSim has the ability to model different levels of insulin resistance and insulin production ability. The impact of insulin and insulin resistance on the operation of various organs and pathways is captured in accordance with published research. The protein and lipid metabolism are implemented only to the extent that they affect carbohydrate metabolism.
