Date of Award

August 2018

Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts


Media Studies

First Advisor

David S Allen

Committee Members

Xiaoxia Cao, Michelle Fetherston


Broadcasting, Education, Internships, Media, Radio, Workplace


The objective of this thesis was to investigate a generally understudied area in media professions – radio broadcasting internships. A survey, which included both close-ended and open-ended questions, was used to measure how internships were valued in radio broadcasting. The survey was distributed to radio station employees and select interns at a six-station conglomerate in the midwestern United States. Results showed that participants generally believed their internship experiences were more valuable than their classroom education. Additionally, participants developed unique skills at their internships which they claimed were not provided by their education. Participants also believed interns should receive financial compensation for their work. Overall, participants believed interns are capable of making positive contributions to a radio broadcasting workplace and should be valued as legitimate members of the workplace.
