Date of Award

March 2018

Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science



First Advisor

David C Yu

Committee Members

Chiu Tai Law, Seyed H Hosseini


ESS, FFT, percentage method, photovoltaic


As the output power of photovoltaic generation system is affected by factors such as light intensity and temperature, it creates greater randomness and volatility. When the power changes quickly and fluctuates, the traditional energy storage devices often can’t balance the power effectively. In this research Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) method is used to transform the photovoltaic stabilization power in the original time domain to the frequency domain for analysis. And percentage method was used to select the most typical PV data in the frequency domain. Then, the selected power was converted back to the time domain using Inverse Fast Fourier Transform (IFFT). Finally, A high-, medium-, and low-frequency hybrid energy storage system optimization model was established, and a particle optimization algorithm was used to obtain the most economical hybrid energy storage system configuration.
