Date of Award
May 2020
Degree Type
Degree Name
Master of Science
First Advisor
R. Jason Sherman
Committee Members
John D. Richards, Dawn Scher Thomae
ceramic analysis, Chihuahua, Mexico, museum collections, pottery, vessels
This thesis presents the results of analyses conducted on 80 ceramic vessels from the
Casas Grandes region (Chihuahua, Mexico) currently housed at the Milwaukee Public Museum
(MPM). This collection, most of which was donated in 1977, was accompanied with little to no
provenience information, and no research has been conducted on the materials since they came
to the Museum. Drawing upon published studies of Casas Grandes pottery, a detailed coding
scheme was developed in order to record formal and stylistic data that could be used to classify
the vessels typologically and chronologically. Fifteen different ceramic types dating to the Viejo
and Medio Periods (AD 700-1475) were identified. Iconographic analysis was also conducted to
determine the stylistic patterning represented in the collection, thus allowing it to be compared to
similar collections at other institutions in the United States, several of which were visited as part
of my research. This thesis demonstrates the significant insights that can be gained by analyzing
unprovenienced museum collections. It also will allow the Casas Grandes collection to be used at
the Museum or in the Milwaukee community for research, programming, and/or exhibition.
Recommended Citation
Bomkamp, Samantha, "Typological and Iconographic Analyses of Casas Grandes Pottery at the Milwaukee Public Museum" (2020). Theses and Dissertations. 2354.