Date of Award

May 2022

Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science



First Advisor

Krista M Lisdahl

Committee Members

Christine L Larson, Han Joo Lee


adolescence, childhood adversity, fMRI, inhibitory control, neurocognitive development, resilience


Adolescence is characterized by dynamic neurodevelopment, which poses opportunities for risk and resilience. Adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) pose additional risk to the developing brain, where ACEs have been associated with alterations in functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) BOLD signaling in brain regions underlying inhibitory control. Potential resiliency factors, like positive family environment, may attenuate the risk associated with ACEs. Using baseline to 2-year data from the Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development (ABCD) Study, the current study examined how ACEs relate to fMRI BOLD signaling during successful inhibition on the Stop Signal Task (SST) in regions underlying inhibitory control during early adolescence and whether levels of family conflict moderate that relationship. Results showed that greater ACE scores were associated with reduced BOLD response in the IFG and pre-SMA, which are key nodes underlying inhibitory control. Further, family conflict was related to altered activation patterns in the left pre-SMA. Results highlight the importance of examining the neurocognitive effects of ACEs during key developmental periods and emphasize the need for intervention/prevention of ACEs.
