Date of Award

August 2019

Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Fine Arts


Media Studies

First Advisor

Lia R Wolock

Committee Members

Elana H Levine, Michael Z Newman


bisexuality, gender, post-difference, postfeminist, race, representation


My thesis examines how a post-difference perspective, where diversity is shallowly embraced, can influence the characters and narratives of a television show, with DC’s Legends of Tomorrow as the prime example. Legends is a great example of this because it is an ensemble show that features characters who are from different races, religions, sexualities, ages, genders and historical time periods. A post-difference lens myopically pushes the narrative that everyone in society is equal, and the discrimination faced by marginalized communities is no longer relevant. This perspective is problematic because it reinforces how whiteness is the norm in society, and the favored perspective, while the characters of color, who are assimilated into white mainstream culture, are seen as secondary and influenced by problematic stereotypes. I focus my analysis on two characters in Legends: Sara Lance and Amaya Jiwe. Sara is a white bisexual woman who is the unquestioned leader of the Legends and has the agency and most screen time out of all the characters. Amaya is an African, heterosexual woman from 1942 who has the same leadership and warrior skills as Sara but has less screen time and is often in a passive, and reactive role to her storyline.
