"Essay in Corporate Finance" by Donglai Bao

Date of Award

May 2024

Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy


Management Science

First Advisor

Valeriy Sibilkov

Committee Members

Ioannis Floros, John Huck, Jangsu Yoon


Acquisition, Gender, Merger, Performance


I investigate the impact of CEO gender on firm stock return performance. I combine merger and acquisition database with accounting and stock return database during the 2006 – 2019 period characterized by a significant increase in female CEOs. We find that acquisitions by firms led by female CEOs with longer tenure underperform relative to a benchmark and relative to male CEOs. We find no underperformance for female CEOs early in their tenure or for male CEOs. Unlike male CEOs, female CEOs are not penalized for poor acquisition performance through turnover or compensation. The findings are consistent with weak corporate governance as applied towards female CEOs resulting in inferior acquisition performance.

Available for download on Wednesday, May 20, 2026
