Date of Award

May 2024

Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science



First Advisor

David A Spade


locomotion, markov chain, simulation


Daphnia magna make turns through an antennae-whipping action. This action occursevery few seconds, hence, during the intervening time, the animal either remains in place or continues movement roughly along its current course. We view their movement in three dimensions. We divide the movement in the three dimensions into the movement on a two-dimensional lattice and the movement between the different planes. For the movement on the lattice, we construct a second-order Markov chain model to make predictions about which region of the lattice the animal moves to based on where it was at the last two time points. The movement between the different planes is simulated by a first-order Markov chain. This model accounts for the animal’s morphology with respect to the antennae-whipping behavior.
