Date of Award

August 2024

Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy



First Advisor

Julia A Snethen

Committee Members

Alexa Anderson, Martin Mikell, Herbert Raasch


combat, OEF/OIF, psychological effects, reintegration challenges, veterans


Traumatic experiences from engaging in combat have left veterans of Operation Enduring Freedom and Operation Iraqi Freedom (OEF/OIF) with unforgettable memories. Stories shared by veterans are filled with graphic descriptions of horrific events, which have created difficulties as the veterans try to resume their daily lives. Combat not only profoundly impacts veterans physically but has a psychological impact, as evidenced by one out of seven veterans of OEF/OIF diagnosed with PTSD. The purpose of this study was to explore veterans' perspectives on transitioning to civilian life from OEF and OIF combat and to understand how combat has impacted veterans psychologically. Veterans (N = 30) of OEF/OIF combat participated in a phenomenological investigation, which included individual interviews using a semi-structured interview guide. Colaizzi’s phenomenological methods were followed to conduct the data analysis. Eight themes emerged from the data: emotional rollercoaster, nerve-racking, not normal, military mindset, loss of purpose, hard to shut off, get out of here, and shove it down. Traumatic experiences and stories shared by veterans portrayed a range of experiences that contributed to them imbibing substances to numb themselves or escape from their reality. Adapting to civilian life after being molded into their military regimen was challenging for veterans, who reported struggling with maintaining family connections while experiencing a loss of purpose. Findings from this investigation suggest that veterans, even decades after engaging in OEF/OIF, vividly remember their combat experiences. Combat trauma that veterans experience impacted their well-being and negatively affected their family dynamics and personal and professional relationships. Keywords: veterans, OEF/OIF, combat, psychological effects, reintegration challenge

Available for download on Thursday, August 27, 2026
