Date of Award

August 2015

Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science



First Advisor

Azadeh Mazaheri

Committee Members

Adel Nasiri, Chiu Tai Law, Dan M.Ionel


An advanced Energy Storage device modeling, namely, Zinc Bromide, is proposed to integrate a new software Smartbuilds, developed by Marquette University, based on an integrated building. Smartbuilds will provide the platform to integrate all the components of the proposed Building which incorporate with renewable energy and energy storage system. The zinc bromide modeling results show that the battery’s open-circuit voltage is a direct function of the state of charge (SOC) of the battery. Furthermore, resistance is also a function of sate of charge at constant temperature. A Coulomb Counting technique is used to adjust the estimated SOC according to battery current. Simulation studies are made with Matlab/Simulink. Proposed Zinc bromide battery model has been compared with Energyplus, building energy simulation program, battery model and it has been translated to Energyplus battery model to integrate in Energyplus. Example case studies are provided to show the results.
