Publication Year
Fall 1992
Document Type
Cedarburg Bog was an attractive location for prehistoric Indian occupancy sites. The combination of upland deciduous forest and lowland marsh environments provided a rich food resource base for native inhabitants. During a surface survey conducted in 1991-1992, 11 habitation sites were located on the Bog's adjacent upland area. Projectile points which were found on the various sites and were diagnostic of certain periods, revealed a range of habitation from Early Archaic (6000 B.C.) to Late Woodland (1700 A.D.). Based on the characteristics of the sites discovered, it is apparent that other sites remain to be uncovered. This preliminary survey was meant to draw attention to sites which may be threatened by urbanization.
Recommended Citation
Bezella, D.A. 1992. A preliminary survey of archaeological sites surrounding Cedarburg Bog. Field Station Bulletin 25(2): 1-9.