
Margaret Henderson

Start Date

16-10-2015 9:00 AM

End Date

16-10-2015 10:30 AM


The data curation discussion focused on evaluating datasets for curation. Margaret Henderson led participants through an exercise to judge the curation value of different example datasets and facilitated discussions on navigating the intricacies of curation at their institution. This image shows the votes and comments for the tenth example dataset for possible curation: 3D printer files of scanned arrowhead (used to kill first white settler in Jamestown, VA?)

Rights Note

Content from MDLS was collected with the express understanding that it would be shared out with the larger data librarian community. However, as most of the documents were crowdsourced from a number of participants, we cannot assign clear reuse rights. We instead encourage others to build off of ideas within the documents to improve their own services and attribute whenever possible.


Oct 16th, 9:00 AM Oct 16th, 10:30 AM

Curation Scenario 10

The data curation discussion focused on evaluating datasets for curation. Margaret Henderson led participants through an exercise to judge the curation value of different example datasets and facilitated discussions on navigating the intricacies of curation at their institution. This image shows the votes and comments for the tenth example dataset for possible curation: 3D printer files of scanned arrowhead (used to kill first white settler in Jamestown, VA?)