"The Architecture of Place: Amaranth Bakery and Café" by Biwer Bella

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community, building morphology, social art of architecture, front-back, mixed-use


The goal of this essay is to show that Amaranth Bakery and Café in Washington Park, Milwaukee better represents its community than other buildings in the area. The aspects I chose to discuss are the building’s physical character, its unique setting and the work of its dedicated owners, David Boucher and Stephanie Shipley. This essay discusses these three facets of the business and how they allow for a very successful bakery in the struggling neighborhood of Washington Park. Some of the aspects discussed are the building’s front-back morphology, the way the community utilizes the bakery and the collaborative work of its owners with similar progressive businesses in the area. In a previous essay, I proposed three buildings in the Milwaukee area that represent their communities well in different ways. I chose to speak in this essay about Amaranth Bakery and Café because it is the only place where physical structure, morphology and individuals come together cohesively.

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