UWM Digital Commons - UWM Undergraduate Research Symposium: Daphnia Magna Survival Shows Toxicity of Varying Positively Charged SMAMP-Covered Gold Nanoparticles

Daphnia Magna Survival Shows Toxicity of Varying Positively Charged SMAMP-Covered Gold Nanoparticles

Mentor 1

Dr. Rebecca Klaper


Union Wisconsin Room

Start Date

28-4-2017 1:30 PM

End Date

28-4-2017 4:00 PM


With the increasing prevalence of engineered nanoparticles in industry, it is important to study the nature of these particles. In previous experiments, the charge of particles has shown an effect on toxicity. Our project looks to identify any changes in toxicity due to increasingly positive particle charges. The particles used in this experiment are engineered gold nanoparticles covered with Synthetic Mimics of Antimicrobial Peptides (SMAMPs), with varying coverage densities of 0%, 50%, 55%, 70%, 75%, and 100%. The toxicity was tested by exposing Daphnia magna neonates to the nanoparticles in acute, 48 hour exposures and measuring he survival rates. Between the 50% and 75% coverage densities, there is a clear increase in toxicity levels. Further analysis is required to explain why charge effects nanoparticle toxicity, and to identify the mechanisms through which these particles are acting on a chemical and biological basis to cause toxicity.

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Apr 28th, 1:30 PM Apr 28th, 4:00 PM

Daphnia Magna Survival Shows Toxicity of Varying Positively Charged SMAMP-Covered Gold Nanoparticles

Union Wisconsin Room

With the increasing prevalence of engineered nanoparticles in industry, it is important to study the nature of these particles. In previous experiments, the charge of particles has shown an effect on toxicity. Our project looks to identify any changes in toxicity due to increasingly positive particle charges. The particles used in this experiment are engineered gold nanoparticles covered with Synthetic Mimics of Antimicrobial Peptides (SMAMPs), with varying coverage densities of 0%, 50%, 55%, 70%, 75%, and 100%. The toxicity was tested by exposing Daphnia magna neonates to the nanoparticles in acute, 48 hour exposures and measuring he survival rates. Between the 50% and 75% coverage densities, there is a clear increase in toxicity levels. Further analysis is required to explain why charge effects nanoparticle toxicity, and to identify the mechanisms through which these particles are acting on a chemical and biological basis to cause toxicity.