UWM Digital Commons - UWM Undergraduate Research Symposium: Reliability-Constrained Wastewater Treatment Plant Demand Response

Reliability-Constrained Wastewater Treatment Plant Demand Response

Mentor 1

Lingfeng Wang


Union Wisconsin Room

Start Date

28-4-2017 1:30 PM

End Date

28-4-2017 4:00 PM


This work analyzes the overall treatment processes in wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs). A holistic WWTP energy efficiency evaluation procedure is proposed considering a comprehensive set of system components including pumps and aeration blowers. Unlike drinking water treatment systems, most energy used in wastewater treatment systems is due to the treatment processes. The first critical task is to identify the main energy-consuming equipment. It was found that the largest load in wastewater treatment is contributed by aeration blowers which are used for creating air flow in the aeration treatment process - They often result in about 50% of the total load in a WWTP. Additionally, the pumping system also contributes about 15% to the load in wastewater treatment. The main purpose of this work is to minimize the total energy cost of WWTPs by deploying the demand response technology while ensuring the core mission of WWTPs is achieved. By comparing the WWTP influent profile and the wastewater treatment capacity, the performance of the WWTP could be simulated. Further, a storage model is proposed in this work for influent storage in the WWTP. By considering the available capacity of the storage system, the main electrical load could be rescheduled to partial-peak or off-peak hours. The proposed method is highly promising to improving the WWTP energy efficiency and reduce the electricity cost.

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Apr 28th, 1:30 PM Apr 28th, 4:00 PM

Reliability-Constrained Wastewater Treatment Plant Demand Response

Union Wisconsin Room

This work analyzes the overall treatment processes in wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs). A holistic WWTP energy efficiency evaluation procedure is proposed considering a comprehensive set of system components including pumps and aeration blowers. Unlike drinking water treatment systems, most energy used in wastewater treatment systems is due to the treatment processes. The first critical task is to identify the main energy-consuming equipment. It was found that the largest load in wastewater treatment is contributed by aeration blowers which are used for creating air flow in the aeration treatment process - They often result in about 50% of the total load in a WWTP. Additionally, the pumping system also contributes about 15% to the load in wastewater treatment. The main purpose of this work is to minimize the total energy cost of WWTPs by deploying the demand response technology while ensuring the core mission of WWTPs is achieved. By comparing the WWTP influent profile and the wastewater treatment capacity, the performance of the WWTP could be simulated. Further, a storage model is proposed in this work for influent storage in the WWTP. By considering the available capacity of the storage system, the main electrical load could be rescheduled to partial-peak or off-peak hours. The proposed method is highly promising to improving the WWTP energy efficiency and reduce the electricity cost.