UWM Digital Commons - UWM Undergraduate Research Symposium: The Development of Lab Equipment Used In The Study of Protein Hydrogels

The Development of Lab Equipment Used In The Study of Protein Hydrogels

Mentor 1

Joel Nowitzke

Mentor 2

Ionel Popa


Union Wisconsin Room

Start Date

28-4-2017 1:30 PM

End Date

28-4-2017 4:00 PM


A protein hydrogel is a network of polymers which displays a number of potentially useful properties for biomedical applications. Though its potential is promising, it is a relatively new material and as such, little research exits on the topic. The UWM lab responsible for researching this topic is also new and is still in the process of developing custom equipment to run its experiments. The tests being performed seek to learn more about the elastic properties protein hydrogels exhibit. Experimentation is done by applying a specified force to a hydrogel suspended in solution, causing the gel to stretch. Data is collected via a specialized force sensor which the gel is connected to. This project will look into detail at the equipment used and how it was designed and developed to meet the needs of the lab. More specifically, it will look at the apparatus used to mount the data collection equipment and set up the experiments, as well as the cooling device which will be used to control the temperature of the hydrogel solution. Design and development considerations will be analyzed as well as their relative success. In addition, alternative design considerations will be presented and compared. Conclusions will seek to answer whether the testing equipment is optimal, and if not, how improvements can be made.

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Apr 28th, 1:30 PM Apr 28th, 4:00 PM

The Development of Lab Equipment Used In The Study of Protein Hydrogels

Union Wisconsin Room

A protein hydrogel is a network of polymers which displays a number of potentially useful properties for biomedical applications. Though its potential is promising, it is a relatively new material and as such, little research exits on the topic. The UWM lab responsible for researching this topic is also new and is still in the process of developing custom equipment to run its experiments. The tests being performed seek to learn more about the elastic properties protein hydrogels exhibit. Experimentation is done by applying a specified force to a hydrogel suspended in solution, causing the gel to stretch. Data is collected via a specialized force sensor which the gel is connected to. This project will look into detail at the equipment used and how it was designed and developed to meet the needs of the lab. More specifically, it will look at the apparatus used to mount the data collection equipment and set up the experiments, as well as the cooling device which will be used to control the temperature of the hydrogel solution. Design and development considerations will be analyzed as well as their relative success. In addition, alternative design considerations will be presented and compared. Conclusions will seek to answer whether the testing equipment is optimal, and if not, how improvements can be made.