UWM Digital Commons - UWM Undergraduate Research Symposium: The Exquisite Corpse

The Exquisite Corpse

Mentor 1

Nikole Bouchard


Union Wisconsin Room

Start Date

28-4-2017 1:30 PM

End Date

28-4-2017 4:00 PM


There are large amounts of foreclosed homes in the Milwaukee area that are boarded up and slated for demolition. Many of these homes are left in poor condition and are condemned for demolition. Therefore, I decided to focus my project based research on the Milwaukee area. Through my research, I sought to answer many of the questions that arise when studying urban vacancy and demolished building. Will it be reused or end up in a landfill? Who is responsible for ensuring that materials are reused? I focused on architectural home typologies that are specific to Milwaukee. I looked at the way that these topologies are expressed around Milwaukee. During that process, I was drawn to a more specific location in Milwaukee. In particular the more concentrated areas affected by urban vacancy. These areas include the 30th street corridor along with the Amani neighborhood. I also explored different ways to reimagine the materials and typologies through photography and on site exploration. I used the photographs and information gathered to collage and develop three dimensional studies. After gathering this information, I began to develop some ideas about the areas I chose and I started to generating my own design ideas and intervention.

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Apr 28th, 1:30 PM Apr 28th, 4:00 PM

The Exquisite Corpse

Union Wisconsin Room

There are large amounts of foreclosed homes in the Milwaukee area that are boarded up and slated for demolition. Many of these homes are left in poor condition and are condemned for demolition. Therefore, I decided to focus my project based research on the Milwaukee area. Through my research, I sought to answer many of the questions that arise when studying urban vacancy and demolished building. Will it be reused or end up in a landfill? Who is responsible for ensuring that materials are reused? I focused on architectural home typologies that are specific to Milwaukee. I looked at the way that these topologies are expressed around Milwaukee. During that process, I was drawn to a more specific location in Milwaukee. In particular the more concentrated areas affected by urban vacancy. These areas include the 30th street corridor along with the Amani neighborhood. I also explored different ways to reimagine the materials and typologies through photography and on site exploration. I used the photographs and information gathered to collage and develop three dimensional studies. After gathering this information, I began to develop some ideas about the areas I chose and I started to generating my own design ideas and intervention.