UWM Digital Commons - UWM Undergraduate Research Symposium: Milwaukee Stories: Documenting Place, People, and History throughout Milwaukee along the Green Line

Milwaukee Stories: Documenting Place, People, and History throughout Milwaukee along the Green Line

Mentor 1

Dr. Arijit Sen


Union Wisconsin Room

Start Date

28-4-2017 1:30 PM

End Date

28-4-2017 4:00 PM


The focus of this project was to document; place, people, and history of spaces throughout Milwaukee. The research was conducted over in two distinct phases, spanning from January to August of 2016. The first phase was conducted in the Architecture and Human Behavior course at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee during the spring 2016 semester. The information gathered during this time would be used in the second phase of the project. This course, which I was enrolled in had a main objective. Groups comprised of three students were assigned to a bus stop along the Milwaukee County Transit System Green Line bus route. From their assigned stop, groups were to find a building near the bus stop that interested them. Whichever building they chose, would become the focus of their work. Once having chosen a building or a site would conduct research over four separate stages. Over the four stages, the groups would gather observations, conduct archival research, and have interviews to gain insight to their chosen areas. The final stage was to take all of their work and create a theme or character for their site and then present it. The second phase was collating the information and data that was gathered during phase one in order to publish the work. The first stage of this was a synthesis of all projects and materials that were created during the course. Once all of the information had been organized I began the second stage of transferring and organizing the information, in order to create a website that displayed all of the information gathered. Once the information, images, and audio were transfer to the website. I was able to reorganize the website into a more user friendly website that was later published and made available for public viewing.

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Apr 28th, 1:30 PM Apr 28th, 4:00 PM

Milwaukee Stories: Documenting Place, People, and History throughout Milwaukee along the Green Line

Union Wisconsin Room

The focus of this project was to document; place, people, and history of spaces throughout Milwaukee. The research was conducted over in two distinct phases, spanning from January to August of 2016. The first phase was conducted in the Architecture and Human Behavior course at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee during the spring 2016 semester. The information gathered during this time would be used in the second phase of the project. This course, which I was enrolled in had a main objective. Groups comprised of three students were assigned to a bus stop along the Milwaukee County Transit System Green Line bus route. From their assigned stop, groups were to find a building near the bus stop that interested them. Whichever building they chose, would become the focus of their work. Once having chosen a building or a site would conduct research over four separate stages. Over the four stages, the groups would gather observations, conduct archival research, and have interviews to gain insight to their chosen areas. The final stage was to take all of their work and create a theme or character for their site and then present it. The second phase was collating the information and data that was gathered during phase one in order to publish the work. The first stage of this was a synthesis of all projects and materials that were created during the course. Once all of the information had been organized I began the second stage of transferring and organizing the information, in order to create a website that displayed all of the information gathered. Once the information, images, and audio were transfer to the website. I was able to reorganize the website into a more user friendly website that was later published and made available for public viewing.