UWM Digital Commons - UWM Undergraduate Research Symposium: The Use of Chaining for Becoming Accustomed to Daily Living Tasks

The Use of Chaining for Becoming Accustomed to Daily Living Tasks

Mentor 1

Dr. Jeffrey Tiger


Union Wisconsin Room

Start Date

28-4-2017 1:30 PM

End Date

28-4-2017 4:00 PM


Applied Behavior Analysis Therapy often attempts to diminish problem behavior that negatively impact one's daily life or learning. Our client is a twenty-one year old male diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder and Down syndrome. Five days a week in his home setting we are working on increasing compliance while decreasing problem behavior during every day tasks, such as hair combing, shaving, tooth brushing, and currently mustache trimming. A task analysis is created for each small, individual task and followed with a chaining procedure. Chaining is when small steps are identified and chained together until an overall goal task is accomplished. Each individual step results in reinforcement being given. In order to progress through each individual step, ninety percent compliance and no problem behavior in two exposure sessions is required. During sessions, all problem behavior exhibited by our client does not result in attention or escape of any kind or, in behavior analytic terms, put on extinction. Through chaining procedures we have seen an immense improvement in our client's compliance with everyday tasks. The overall anticipated results from our therapy sessions are a decline in aggressive, destructive, and self injurious behaviors while accomplishing every day tasks. Applied Behavior Analysis Therapy and chaining procedures could be an effective method for those who struggle with compliance with daily living tasks.

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Apr 28th, 1:30 PM Apr 28th, 4:00 PM

The Use of Chaining for Becoming Accustomed to Daily Living Tasks

Union Wisconsin Room

Applied Behavior Analysis Therapy often attempts to diminish problem behavior that negatively impact one's daily life or learning. Our client is a twenty-one year old male diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder and Down syndrome. Five days a week in his home setting we are working on increasing compliance while decreasing problem behavior during every day tasks, such as hair combing, shaving, tooth brushing, and currently mustache trimming. A task analysis is created for each small, individual task and followed with a chaining procedure. Chaining is when small steps are identified and chained together until an overall goal task is accomplished. Each individual step results in reinforcement being given. In order to progress through each individual step, ninety percent compliance and no problem behavior in two exposure sessions is required. During sessions, all problem behavior exhibited by our client does not result in attention or escape of any kind or, in behavior analytic terms, put on extinction. Through chaining procedures we have seen an immense improvement in our client's compliance with everyday tasks. The overall anticipated results from our therapy sessions are a decline in aggressive, destructive, and self injurious behaviors while accomplishing every day tasks. Applied Behavior Analysis Therapy and chaining procedures could be an effective method for those who struggle with compliance with daily living tasks.