UWM Digital Commons - UWM Undergraduate Research Symposium: Ceramic Irrigation System

Ceramic Irrigation System

Mentor 1

Ty Bender


Union Wisconsin Room

Start Date

28-4-2017 1:30 PM

End Date

28-4-2017 4:00 PM


This research project provides evidence of the ability to control the flow rate of water through ceramic material by the addition of various materials to clay before firing. The materials being tested include varying ratios of recycled paper, saw dust, and grog. The method applied to test the flow rate has been to use 5 variations in ratios of added material, followed by observing the effect on flow rate each different ratio has. Recycled paper is the material used as a starting point for the tests on flow rate. Then additions of different materials will be tested to further adjust the flow rate variability congruent with different materials.The ability to control the flow rate through ceramic material has various applications. In this project we will focus on the application of ceramic permeability for use in the irrigation systems of raised garden beds.

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Apr 28th, 1:30 PM Apr 28th, 4:00 PM

Ceramic Irrigation System

Union Wisconsin Room

This research project provides evidence of the ability to control the flow rate of water through ceramic material by the addition of various materials to clay before firing. The materials being tested include varying ratios of recycled paper, saw dust, and grog. The method applied to test the flow rate has been to use 5 variations in ratios of added material, followed by observing the effect on flow rate each different ratio has. Recycled paper is the material used as a starting point for the tests on flow rate. Then additions of different materials will be tested to further adjust the flow rate variability congruent with different materials.The ability to control the flow rate through ceramic material has various applications. In this project we will focus on the application of ceramic permeability for use in the irrigation systems of raised garden beds.