How to Promote the Healing Process in Chronic Wounds

Mentor 1

Mahsa Dabagh

Start Date

28-4-2023 12:00 AM


Chronic wounds pose a challenge to healthcare systems around the world and are very challenging for patients to live with. They can cause severe difficulties in patients, significantly affecting their way of life. In our research we are interested to explore how the healing process can be facilitated in chronic wounds. Our goal is to understand the mechanisms of wound healing and quantify the changes in the wound tissue by quantifying the stresses the wound tissue experiences at different stages of the healing. We then will leverage this knowledge to create patient specific wound dressings that will replicate the optimal stresses for wound healing in chronic wounds.

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Apr 28th, 12:00 AM

How to Promote the Healing Process in Chronic Wounds

Chronic wounds pose a challenge to healthcare systems around the world and are very challenging for patients to live with. They can cause severe difficulties in patients, significantly affecting their way of life. In our research we are interested to explore how the healing process can be facilitated in chronic wounds. Our goal is to understand the mechanisms of wound healing and quantify the changes in the wound tissue by quantifying the stresses the wound tissue experiences at different stages of the healing. We then will leverage this knowledge to create patient specific wound dressings that will replicate the optimal stresses for wound healing in chronic wounds.