Date of Award

December 2012

Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science



First Advisor

Brian S. Armstrong

Committee Members

Ilya Avdeev, Michael Nosonovsky


Bias, Butterworth Tepuy, Image Processing, Landmark Location, Moire Phase Tracking


Precision Landmark Location (PLL) estimation is an integral part of 3D motion tracking. Circular landmark location estimation is one method of PLL. Current methods of estimation lead to systematic errors with a magnitude of up to .02 pixels. Estimation inaccuracies of this magnitude lead to unacceptable errors in depth measurement, the largest source of error. In the scope of this thesis, inadequacies in circular landmark location are uncovered and techniques to correct these errors are analyzed, tested, and demonstrated. Deviations in simulated images are seen to be reduced by a factor of three and the variances of real-world data were reduced by half. This thesis predicts and observes increased accuracy in the 3D motion tracking technology.
