Theses/Dissertations from 2016
Alskif, Aiham, An Investigation of the Effect of Different Additives on the Compressive and Flexural Strength of Rammed Earth
Alsubhi, Arwa Mohammed, A High Fidelity Interface for Documents Merging Tool Using a Language Analysis Oracle
Ananchev, George, Embodying the Regime of Automobility: a Phenomenology of the Driving Subject and the Affects of Governable Space
Andrews, Elizabeth, Design and Basic Verification of a Discrete Event Simulator for Glucose Metabolism in Human Beings
Apugo, Danielle Lorraine, Counted Out, but Counted On: the Hidden Academic Journey of Millennial Black Women in Majority White Urban Universities
Arinder, Aaron Webb, Reformulating Modalism
Asante-Asamani, Emmanuel Owusu, An Exponential Time Differencing Scheme with a Real Distinct Poles Rational Function for Advection-Diffusion Reaction Equations
Azimi, Behnam, Improving the Speech Intelligibility By Cochlear Implant Users
Azimipour, Mehdi, Deep Tissue Light Delivery and Fluorescence Tomography with Applications in Optogenetic Neurostimulation
Baghaie, Ahmadreza, Study of Computational Image Matching Techniques: Improving Our View of Biomedical Image Data
Baker, Christopher Adams, Investigation of Sparsifying Transforms in Compressed Sensing for Magnetic Resonance Imaging with Fasttestcs
Barari, Bamdad Barari, Experimental and Numerical Characterization of Scalable Cellulose Nano-fiber Composite
Barg, Jessica Therese, Eclectic Modernisms, or Riding Out the Maelstrom: Global Aesthetic Reflections on Disappointment
Barry, Kathryn, Are We Missing the Forest for the Trees? Quantifying the Maintenance of Diversity in Temperate Deciduous Forests
Bassi, Zeanab Hassan, Longitudinal Patient Records: A Re-Examination of the Possibility
Bateson, Zachary, Effects of Drift, Selection and Gene Flow on Immune Genes in Prairie Grouse
Baur, Tyler John, Estimating the Selection Gradient of a Function-valued Trait
Beaupre, Brett Allen, The Function of Renalase
Beer, Kaitlin, "It's My Job to Keep Punk Rock Elite": Information and Secrecy in the Chicago DIY Punk Music Scene
Behnke, Vienna, The Effects of Fastigial Nuclei Inactivation on Social Behavior in the Rat
Belleau, Emily Louise, Neural Plasticity of Extinction: Relations with Anxiety and Extinction Retention
Bennett, Kenneth P., If or When? Uncertainty's Role in Anxious Anticipation
Benson, Lauren, Identifying Gait Deficits in Stroke Patients Using Inertial Sensors
Benzaquen, Eitan Yacov, School Bond Referenda Reloaded: an Examination of a School District in Passing a Subsequent Bond Referendum After Failing to Pass Previous Bond Referenda
Berlin, Gregory, Clarifying the Influence of Comorbid Depression on Response Inhibition in Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder and Trichotillomania
Bhadauria, Amita, Investigating the Role of Aesthetics in Consumer Moral Judgment and Creativity
Billig, Ashley Kristine, Gender Norm Conformity, Uncertainty, Communication, and Satisfaction Within Romantic Relationships: a Dyadic Model
Billings, Traci N., Gender Reflections: a Reconsideration of Pictish Mirror and Comb Symbols
Bindley, Kathleen Elizabeth, Consumerism and Ceramics at the Stephen Field Farmstead, Walworth County, Wisconsin
Biswas, Sreya, Characterization and Use of Folate Receptor Isoforms for Targeting of Epithelial and Myeloid Cells
Biten, Ayetullah Bahadir, Wireless Power Transfer Using Class-De Converter Via Strongly Coupled Two Planar Coils
Blanks, Geraud, Skin in the Game: Providing Redress for American Sports' Appropriation of Native American Iconography
Blight, Michael G., Relationships to Video Game Streamers: Examining Gratifications, Parasocial Relationships, Fandom, and Community Affiliation Online
Borchardt, Susan A., High Capacity Wells and Baseflow Decline in the Wolf River Basin, Northeastern Wisconsin
Both, Roswitha T., The Comedians: A Novel
Bozich, Jared S., The Impact of Nanomaterial Functionalization and Core Chemical Composition on Toxicity to Daphnia Magna
Brown, Lynne M., The Effectiveness, Efficiency, and Appeal of Pediatric Echocardiography Protocol Training for First Year Pediatric Cardiology Fellows
Buntin, Maisie, Babies and Biomedicine: Knowledge System Negotiation in the Domain of Infant Care
Burlingame, Bryan, The Influence of PBL Parameterization on the Practical Predictability of Convection Initiation During the Mesoscale Predictability Experiment (MPEX)
Cao, Yuzhe, Representative Volume Element (RVE) Finite-Element Analysis (FEA) of Al Metal-matrix Composites
Caserta Hugdahl, Pamela, Eco Ephemeral: Works By Thomas Ferrella & Artists’ Books from Special Collections, UW-Milwaukee Libraries
Chang, Wen-hsin, Predictors of International Students’ Socio-Cultural Adjustment
Chen, Bin, A Novel Energy Storage Allocation Planning Method for Microgrid
Cheng, Chao, Synthesis of LiFePO4/C Cathode Nanomaterials for Lithium-Ion Batteries
Chen, Po-Hsun, Assessing the Remanufacturability of Office Furiniture: A Multi-Criteria Decision Making Approach
Chen, Xi, Rational Design of Cathode Materials for High Performance Lithium-Sulfur Batteries
Chen, Yuming, A New Paradigm of Maximizing the Wind and Solar Penetration– a Economical Assessment
Cheong, Sami, Parameter Estimation for the Spatial Ornstein-Uhlenbeck Process with Missing Observations
Cloutier, Clayton J., The Effective Use of Coal Combustion Products (CCPs) in Ashphalt Pavements
Coleman, Atiera Lauren, A Quantitative Analysis of School-level Factors and Their Impact on the Racial Achievement Gap
Cornell, David James, Influence of a Corrective Exercise Training Program on Measures of Functional Movement Among Active-Duty Firefighters
Cornish, Emily, Gender Politics, Presence and Erasure: Tattoo in in Pursuit of Venus [infected] and Les Sauvages De La Mer Pacifique
Czech, Carrie, Sedimentology of Pleistocene Outwash and Glaciolacustrine Deposits in East-central Wisconsin
Daigle, Lindsay, The Small Disasters LP
Danforth, Lindsay Erika, The Effects of Gender Role Conflict, Stigma, and Social Support on Help-Seeking in Male Service Members
da Silva, Luiz Henrique Moraes, Intersections of Astrophysics, Cosmology and Particle Physics
Dermody, Gordana, Barriers to Nurses’ Promoting Mobility in Hospitalized Older Adults
DeVilbiss, Stephen, Characterization of DOM and Its Interactions with Invasive Quagga Mussels in Lake Michigan
Diaz Medina, Miguelangel, Detecting Association of Gene-Environment Interactions in Common and Rare Variants for Hypertension
Dietrich, Linda Marie, The Utility of Mobile Phones for Health Among Women Living with HIV in Urban Malawi
Di Paolo, Michelle Rosalie, A Brief Rational Disputation Exercise Enhances Cardiovascular, Anxiety, and Affective Recovery Following Worry-Recall
Dorri Moghdam, Afsaneh, In-Situ Synthesis of Aluminum- Titanium Diboride Metal Matrix Hybrid Nanocomposite
Draeger, Roger C., A Hero a Minute: the Manufacture of Aura and Rarity in the World of Sports Memorabilia and Rapid Commemoration
Edenfield, Avery, Collective Management in a Cooperative: Problematizing Productivity and Power
Ehlers, Vanessa, Apoaequorin Differentially Modulates Fear Conditioning in Adult and Aged Rats
Epping, Amanda, Captive Chimpanzee Group and Individual Space Use in a Naturalistic Enclosure
Epstein, Ethan Adam, Late Paleo-Indian Period Lithic Economies, Mobility, and Group Organization in Wisconsin
Eserkaln, Paul, Sensitivity Analysis of Geometry Changes in the Simulation of Basilar Aneurysms
Fariditavana, Hadiseh, Exchange Rate and the Trade Balance: Is the Link Symmetric or Asymmetric
Finet, Michelle, Examining the Lived Experience of Caregivers Learning a Home Program from a Pediatric Occupational Therapist
Fisher, Hannah Jane Therese, The Transcriptional Effects of Photobiomodulation in an In Vitro Model of Diabetic Retinopathy
Fitzgerald, Michael, Gap Junction Communication in Memory Retrieval and Extinction of Cocaine Seeking
Flanagan, Michael, The Effects of a One-to-One iPad Initiative: A Case Study
Freeman, Leanne, Assessing Model-Data Fit for Compensatory and Non-Compensatory Multidimensional Item Response Models Using Vuong and Clarke Statistics
Frigge, Patrick, Translating Modified Ashworth Scale into Functional Measures and Quantitative Kinematic Values: A Pilot Study
Geraci, Peter John, The Prehistoric Economics of the Kautz Site: a Late Archaic and Woodland Site in Northeastern Illinois
Gerzich, Devin, An Evaluation of Paleomagnetic Techniques to Determine Emplacement Temperatures of Pyroclastic Density Currents at Mount St. Helens
Ghaderi, Roonak, Seismic Analysis of Geosynthetic-reinforced Soil (GRS) Bridge Abutments with Modular Block Facing
Ghanian, Zahra, Quantitative Optical Studies of Oxidative Stress in Rodent Models of Eye and Lung Injuries
Ghosh, Anirban, Algorithmic and Combinatorial Results on Fence Patrolling, Polygon Cutting and Geometric Spanners
Golbad, Saeed, Synthesis and Characterization of Microporous and Mesoporous Zeolites from Flyash for Heavy Metal Removal from Wastewater
Gollin, James, The Root Finite Condition on Groups and Its Application to Group Rings
Grabelsky, Dana Elizabeth, Locutionary Disablement and Epistemic Injustice
Graciano, Tasha Graciano, Dynamic Mechanical Analysis of Kissing Bonds in Bonded Joints
Gray, Shukrani Keisha, The New Orleans Festival Arts Community: Embodying Culture, Performing Afrocentric Identity
Greer, Lanetta, Aged Out: Narratives of Women Who Grew Up in Out-of-Home Care
Griffin, Brian Martin, Improving the Subgrid-Scale Representation of Hydrometeors and Microphysical Feedback Effects Using a Multivariate Pdf
Groff, Christopher Michael, Assessment of Benthic Habitat Quality in Lower Green Bay, Lake Michigan with Special Regard to Potential Hexagenia Recolonization
Gross, Clare M., The Dangerous Side of Social Media: Manipulating Bystander Aggression and Support to Cyberbullying Victims Through an Application of Side
Grout, Kathleen Marie, Evaluating Attentional Bias in Shame Using the Dot Probe Task
Grunzke, Caleb Todd, Predictability and Dynamics of Warm-Core Mesoscale Vortex Formation with the 8 May 2009 "Super Derecho" Event
Guard, Alyssa Rose, iPad Application for Pain Assessment in Youths with Developmental Disabilities and Complex Communication Needs
Hafenbreidel, Madalyn, The Mechanisms Underlying Cocaine-Induced Overexpression of Basic Fibroblast Growth Factor (bFGF, FGF2), an Effect Reversed By Extinction
Hallett, Allysa, Consequences of Loss of an Abundant Pollinator: An Experimental Study
Hamilton, Teresa, The Influence of Transcultural Humility Simulation Development Activities on the Cultural Competence of Baccalaureate Nursing Students