Ann Eberwein, University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee
Assistant Editors
Mat Sargent, University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee
Crystal Morgan, University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee
Editorial Committee:
Field Notes editorial committee is made up primarily of UWM anthropology graduate students. Advanced UWM undergraduates and students from other disciplines are also welcomed to apply. Submissions in certain areas may be reviewed by faculty members and alumni of the UWM anthropology program in some cases in order to provide the best feedback possible for authors. Every attempt will be made to match article topics with peer reviewer areas of expertise, but members of the editorial committee are assumed to have a general understanding of anthropological subjects across the subfields (biological, cultural, and linguistic anthropology and archaeology). Editorial committee members will be contacted by an editor with an abstract of an article and have five days to agree to review it. Upon agreement, peer reviewers will have two weeks to submit a 300-500 word review of the article to Field Notes and are strongly encouraged to provide an annotated version of the article in addition to the written review. The peer review process is always anonymous. If you are interested in becoming a peer reviewer for Field Notes, contact us with your areas of expertise and availability at: fldnotes@uwm.edu.