Theses/Dissertations from 2024
Bowers, Kendall, Equally Subordinated? The Threat of a Self-Subordinating Way of Life on One's Moral Powers
Brand, Rebecca, On the Processual Nature of Fetal Development: Taking the Subject Out of the Abortion Debate
Enderle, Tavis Mychal, Intelligibility & the Limits of Ontology: Pluralism, Monism, & Finitude
Gregory, Sarah Elizabeth, Impostor Syndrome and Self-Respect
Gustafson, Dane, Pluralism Lost? Defending Hybridism About Being
Heng, Lynette, Moral Metaphysics for Expressivists: Why We Should Be Error Theorists, Not Deflationists
Wang, Shu, Love and Personal Style
Weiss, Henry Kelley, Race as a Symptom of Injustice
Theses/Dissertations from 2023
Alvarez, Steven, Neo-Aristotelian Naturalism Has a Disability Problem
Cooper, Aidyn, A Typology of Bad Characters: Understanding Moral Badness as Mental Illness
Gonzales Llanos, Marcia, Exploring Meaning Composition: The Epistemology of Modeling Practices in Formal Semantics
LeMoine, Clyde Ulysses, Performative Mistakes and Practical Knowledge
Murillo Vargas, Juan Ignacio, What the Qud Models
Pelletier, Julia, Metaphysical Failings of the Gene in the Era of Crispr-CAS9
Vulpe, Dan Cristian, A Dispositional Theory of Practical Basing
Zheng, Linhao, Genealogy as a Vindicatory Project
Theses/Dissertations from 2022
Aydemir, Yasmin, Moral Problems for Schechtman's Narrative Self-Constitution View of Personal Identity
Benzant, Felix Alberto, A Challenge to Psychological and Biological Theories of Personal Identity
Cartaya, Jazlyn, What It Means to Believe
Galbraith, Kenneth Bruce, Default Moods: Taking Defaults Out of Update Semantic
Jackson, Prescott Christensen, Vivacity and Hume's Impression-Idea Distinction
Johnston, Lucas, A Mind of One's Own: Hegel on Becoming Rational
Kim, Bethany, To Be or Not to Be: the Problem of Indeterminate Existence
Walkowiak, Barbara, Against Identity: a Positionalist Approach to Resisting Identity-Based Violence
Theses/Dissertations from 2021
Ager-Hart, Brita, School's Out Forever: Making Room for Unschoolers in Political Liberalism
Bao, Jie, Bivalence: Open Future or Logical Fatalism?
Chen, Jingyi, Imperatives as Fragment Answers
Ferguson, Zachary, An Instrumental Theory of Speech Acts
Fraser, Austin, Blame-Liability, Inviting Trust, & Beginning a New Account of Promising
Korczyk, Kevin Alexander, Beyond Depraved: Villainy and Self-Deception in Kant's Taxonomy of Evil
Ohene, Selorm, A Puzzle About Information, Probability and Surprise
Sapir, Jacob, Slurs Are Verdicts
Singh, Abhiraj, 'The Mediator' and 'Reason's Forgetting': Two Questions on the Transition of Self-Consciousness to Reason in Hegel's Phenomenology of Spirit
Theses/Dissertations from 2020
Gamrat, William J., Cognitive Creatures and Conceptuality
Jones, Erich Matthew, A Simple Defence of Monism
Kuthoore, Risha, Manifest Ideality: A Response to Lucy Allais' Account of Kantian Appearances.
Ladendorf, Thomas, Reason and Regret
Lopez-Wild, Josiah, Lewis and the Poisoned Pawn
Taraz, Farhad, How Code Words Work
Vonderhaar, Joshua, Liberal Feminism and Cultural Critique
Wright, Katie Bridget, No Sympathy for the Devil: The Guise of the Good Defended
Theses/Dissertations from 2019
Canet, Steven, Maximally Contiguous Simples
Cordero Rojas, Jean Pierre, Defending a Modest Semantic Brutalism
DeWitt, Jason Alen, Nominalization and Interpretation: a Critique of Global Nominalization Criteria
Doche Linhares, Danilo, Humean Constructivism and Deliberative Coherence
Forbes, Owen Henry, Explanation and Prediction: Strategies for Extending Scientific Realism to Mathematics
Marciezyk, Savannah, Poetics, Not Pragmatics: Understanding Metaphors in a Poetic Context
Martin, Jordon Kent, Taking the Other to Be Itself: the Struggling Self-consciousness’s Motivations in Hegel’s Phenomenology of Spirit
Moore, Dennis, Reasonableness and the Means of Production
Muller, John Frederick, Philosophy Without Title: Hume's Sceptical Principles in the Treatise
Paz, Sofia Remedios, Hume's Conception of Geometry and the Role of Contradiction
Wang, Taojie, "This Is Simply What I Do": Primitive Normativity in Following a Rule
Theses/Dissertations from 2018
Doering, Michael David, A Liberal Analysis of Religious Exemptions to Public Accommodation Laws
Eltiste, Christiana, A Distinction Between Expectations and Demands: Towards a Wider Conception of Accountability
Faltesek, Benjamin, Conceiving as Evidence of Possibility
Formanek, Benjamin Quinn, The Activity of Finite Spirits in Berkeley: Willing Sensible Ideas
Lichter, Andrew, Reactive Attitudes & the Value of Responsibility
Perkins, Charles Norwood Thorne, Speaking of Existence: a Previously Unmentioned Meta-Ontological Dispute Between Quinean Ontologists
Thousand, Michael William, Virtuous Anger and Vicious Forgiveness
Yamilkoski, Thomas Vincent, Attributability and Agency: Moral Attributability for Mental States as Possession of Care-constitutive Desires
Theses/Dissertations from 2017
Brown, Joshua, Is It Rational to Care About the Natural Environment?
Cote, Sophie, Making < cinnabar > : Kant on Made A Posteriori Concepts
Cowan, Scott Jonathan, Hegel Between Criticism and Romanticism: Love & Self-consciousness in the Phenomenology
Engel-Hawbecker, Nathan Louis, Reading Others Well and Being Well Read
Kofi, Zachary, Grounding Physicalism
Mooney, Justin, Self-Colocation
Pedroso, Ana Cristina de Souza, Nietzsche's Eternal Recurrence as Untimeliness
Waugh, Joshua, Routine Maintenance
Theses/Dissertations from 2016
Albuquerque, William, Earning the Right Means Paying the Costs: Metaphysical Problems for Quasi-Realism
Arinder, Aaron Webb, Reformulating Modalism
Grabelsky, Dana Elizabeth, Locutionary Disablement and Epistemic Injustice
Haq, Anwar ul, Attitudinal Commitments and the Scope of Rational Requirements
Meyboti, Zahra, Nietzsche and Problem of Nihilism
Pope, Sara N., Nietzsche's Signpost for Feminism
Schult, Jonathan Noble Bema, What Science Doesn't Need to Know: Scientific Realism, Anti-Realism and the Continuum of Knowledge
Smith, Waylon Jennings, Nietzsche's Autonomy, Responsibility, and Will Unification
Theses/Dissertations from 2015
Argetsinger, Henry, Constitutive Inescapability and the Search for Normative Authority
Cho, Kyoung Min, Kant on Radical Evil
de Liege, Tristan, Life and Agency: Constitutivism and the Source of Prescriptive Norms
Knepley, Craig Berchet, Berkeley and the Mind of God
Nilekani, Nihar Nandan, The Function of Blame
Serber, Benjamin, Two Contemporary Metaethical Schemes Considered
Spencer, Evan Isaiah, Rethinking Responding to Raymond: Re-replying to Reproaches of Transsexualism
Theses/Dissertations from 2014
Chen, Lu, Colocated Objects? a New Challenge to the Intentionalists' Solution to the Grounding Problem
Copic, Sara, Grounding the Free Lunch: Can Grounding Theory Escape Ontological Commitment?
Kingston, Jack, Kaplan's Puzzle, Dynamic Senses, and Diachronically Individuated Propositions
Liang, Hao, Freedom as Morality
Mulqueen II, Dennis Basil, Intentions and Advisorial Relations
Papulis, Alex, From Self-trust to Other-trust: the Role of Reasons and the Theoretical Insignificance of Behavioral Inconsistency
Sankaran, Kirun Kumar, Two Essays on Constructivism: Lessons from Semantic Theory
Sutter, Constance, Solving the Problem of Resultant Luck: Extrapolating from Hegel
Theses/Dissertations from 2013
Blaschko, Paul Leonard, Disagreement, Dispositions, and Higher-Order Evidence
Blazej, Adam, Second Nature in Kant's Theory of Artistic Creativity
Collins, Jason Thomas, Hume, Skepticism, and Induction
Flynn, Andrew McKay, How I Spent My Summer Defending-or-Defeating Anscombe: Anscombian Action Theory and the Possibility of Logically Complex Actions
Giglio, Daniel Joseph, How to Think About Indiscernible Particles
Grandits, Jonathan, Decent Peoples, Political Legitimacy, and Informed Consent
Knowles, Joel, Perdurance and Personhood: A Reply to Burge
Mack, Philip, The Starry Heavens Above Me and the Starmaking Power Within Me